Electrolysis Working Wonders
Permanent is possible.
It is normal for the treated area to be red or slightly swollen. Both of these reactions will disappear within an hour, but sometimes can last a little longer.
Keep area clean and dry. Avoid use of ointments or creams.
Avoid touching treated area - fingers spread germs.
Cleanse treated area with a mild soap and water. Pat dry. Do not rub while washing or drying skin.
Use of tanning salons or direct sunlight should be avoided for 24 hours after the treatment.
Occasionally, a tiny scab may appear a few days following treatment. This is normal - however, DO NOT forcibly remove this scab. It will heal and come off by itself.
For best results observe this routine for 3-4 days following the treatment.
In order to permanently remove hair, your electrologist needs to see it.
DO NOT pluck, shave or wax!!! After initial treatment, there may be some hair remaining that was not removed, either due to the time constraints or because some hairs were not out at that time. Just trim the hair with a pair of small scissors, making sure to allow enough time for the hair to grow a bit prior to your next appointment. What is not seen - cannot be treated. Bleaching is fine as long as you bleach the hair 3-4 days before the appointment.
Please, feel free to call us if you have any questions.
Free Consultation
We specialize in addressing the most difficult hair removal cases. Give us a call to ask us about our expertise in handling your needs privately and confidentially.